Some days you just got those thoughts that make you reflect on yourself...
You know me;
You don't.
Cold, unfriendly, emotional, tempermental
Yeaps. That's me for the majority.
Crazy , loud , random jovial
That's me for NCRS joruan ycsog , ah. And those who knows my story :)
I kept thinking back on that day. That very morning that very week that I was so worried over him not caring anymore. That exams are shit. And those who are bitches. Still are bitches.
But I swear that moment where I say how irritating your voice was and well the sight of you irritates me how I feel inferior and never good enough. Yeap. That's my true inner feelings.
You're a fine person. Not the one to take the wrong step. I swear I would one day just stab u to death.
Nahh. Not worth getting a criminal record for Someone like you.
Fuq u.
Popular ? Cause of ur looks? Sigh. Pathetic.
So what if U're in their clique, their clique is cool? Haha. Think again. Idc how people accept someone like. You.
I. Dislike. You. To. Hell. And. Back.
I'm alr in hell. Welcome to join me.
Zzzzz December baby? Happy go lucky ? I wish.
Layout by tentylers. Image from weheartit.